In Remembrance

Memorial Service Saturday
Nov. 20th, 2021

Community Baptist Church
211 Demott Lane, Somerset, NJ

Funeral Viewing Tuesday
Nov. 23rd, 2021
Selover Funeral Home
555 Georges Rd, North Brunswick, NJ
5:00pm – 8:00pm

Burial Wednesday
Nov. 24th, 2021
Cedar Hills Cemetery in SOMERSET, NJ
10:30 AM

Time zone: EST

地點: Community Baptist Church
211 Demott Lane, Somerset, NJ
台灣時間: 11PM

11月23號 2021
Selover Funeral Home
555 Georges Rd, North Brunswick, NJ
5:00pm – 8:00pm
台灣時間: 11/24 6:00AM

Cedar Hills Cemetery in SOMERSET, NJ
10:30 AM
時區: EST
台灣時間: 11:30PM

Dress Code: Colorful Casual or your usual, as Tony always preferred comfort and bright colors and being himself. Bring masks.
服飾: 多彩便服, 或是你平常穿的衣服即可. 需要帶面罩.

A faithful servant of the Lord

Faithful until his last breath, ever since answering the call of the Lord, Tony has lived completely by faith with his wife Tina providing ministry via Sozo Ministries in NJ.

Teaching, ministering, aiming to transform lives, restore marriages, broken relationships and connect people to their destiny in the Lord, Tony served and provided faithfully, with a dash of unceasing humor, to many.

Always a man of plenty, Tony made sure everyone in his household, family and guests alike have more than enough, 4 fridges were not enough for this man of abundance.

Tony lived with his 3 children and wife, and many many guests in Hillsborough since 1997 until he went back to the Lord.

忠心耿耿,直到最后一口气,自从回应了主的呼召后,Tony与他的妻子蒂娜完全靠着信心生活,做著新泽西州的Sozo Ministries事工。





Tony Chong

Originally from Malaysia, is a fourth generation Christian. Involved in healing and deliverance for 23 years, he has spent thousands of hours in personal ministry to hundreds of individuals in the areas of healing, deliverance and prayer for baptism/filling of the Holy Spirit. Once a marketing director of Abbott Laboratories, later called by the Lord at year 1997 and started full time ministries, formed Sozo Ministries with his wife Tina Chong after obtaining minister license with AEGA. Part of HIC (Harvest International Center) and Agape Renewal ministries of North East USA, and many other pastoral groups. Spending his time teaching and ministering with the Holy Spirit on deep healing and deliverance.

Tony Chong (張劍威)馬來西亞華僑,生長在衛理公會基督化家庭,是第四代的基督徒,參與醫治釋放的服事23年,特別在服事個人的深度醫治釋放以及為人被聖靈充滿的禱告及上有極大的膏抹。曾任馬來西亞亞培公司總經理,1997年 神呼召投入全職事奉。1998年3月完成愛流事奉中心(Ellel Ministry)醫治釋放和佈道訓練,2004年通過AEGA牧師資格考試,按立為牧師。現任新澤西州的全恩事奉中心(Sozo Ministries, N.J.)負責人,並於所屬教會HIC(傳福中心),愛修園美東退修會專題及亞洲各地應邀教牧同工訓練特會及教會,


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